Doxazo Consulting
Mr. Uche has a 13-year banking experience with three leading commercial banks in Nigeria. He joined the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundry specialist in 2013 and became a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) in 2014.
A graduate from the university of Hassel and KU Leuven, Fogap
Tongwa is a Senior Biostatistician, a Lead Statistical Programmer and a major contractor to leading multinational pharmaceutical companies in Europe.
A graduate in Logistics from the celebrated University of Antwerp, Akan has been in the Logistic and procurement
business for over a decade.
Eng. Njinju zilefac holds a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Telecommunications). Has a 5 years experience in Data Analysis (SPSS/Epidata), expert in Excel, Microsoft Power BI and Computer Hardwares and Softwares.
Mr. Njinju has just completed another B.Sc. degree in Data Science from the celebrated Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Belgium